Friday 15 November 2013


Kashmir issue is one of the biggest issues of the Indo-Pak relationship. Kashmir is thought a part of India according to the consensus of Indian nation. Pakistan claims its logical right over it. This creates an atmosphere of big uneasiness between the two nations in South Asia. United States and Western countries are striving to solve this conflict. According to these countries peace in this region can only be maintained if Kashmir Conflict is settled. For making a safer world, peaceful environment of this region is inevitable. These countries believe that solution of Kashmir Issue is vital for making South Asia an ideal place to invest. India has embarked round about 1 million army in the state of Occupied Kashmir. Many militant groups are active to resist the influence of Indian Army in the state. India is of the opinion that these groups are assisted financially and logistically by Pakistan. Pakistani Army is spending a big part of its budget to ensure the security of borderline with India. These two countries are trying to solve the issue by involving their armies.  Involvement of a third force to settle this conflict by military is not a sole solution to achieve the goals which are set to make Kashmir an ideal state. There are few other countries where a peaceful situation should also be created. Israel/Palestine conflict is thought to be a big challenge for the peace makers of the world. Islamic groups of Palestine are causing a great trouble to Israel. Radical Islamist s of Sudan, Chechnya, and other places should be convinced to bring peace in these countries. A peaceful dialogue should e be done so that every party should have a common thought. Kashmir is not an issue to be settled only by violent option. There should be another solution which should involve a peaceful resolution. It doesn't mean a negotiation with the rebellions but to solve the conflict with a peaceful manner. United States has the strategy to assure a peaceful future by contributing to justice. This is the best solution to create a peaceful atmosphere rather than war.

Wednesday 12 December 2012

In Memory of the Martyr (Ubaid Ullah Khan) My Cousin

In Memory of the Martyr (12 /12 /12)

I was my mother’s love, my father’s courage, I was a reason of proud for my family and a hope for my siblings, and I was a pearl to play an important role for the society.
My mother was reluctant to send to the city because she did not want me go away from her, I  convinced her that I will be the one who will make proud, I will be the who will be supporting the whole life, I was brought up in the warmth of my mother lap, she cried when I cried, she stayed whole night when I was bad in health, he tried her best to make me happy, she sacrifice everything she has to make me feel happy,  and my father’s love , he was happy to see me because I was the one who was going to be his back bone, in times of hurdles and in times of the hardness, I had to give him support, and I was the shining star at my home, my mother  waited so long for I did not get back to home, when she came to know I had to go she used to count down the days, hours and even seconds, the moment I entered into my home she stepped to the entrance of home, kissed my forehead and said, “Dear son, you made me waited so long, I really missed you”, and the giggles of the sibling and right after that the messages of congratulations by the neighbors to my parents for I did my degree from one of the prestigious institutes of the country, my father used to lift his shoulders up because he had heave a sigh of relief after hurdles and the hard work to take me at this stage.
Days passed on, things seemed better, with the grace of God, matters were pretty awesome, mothers love, fathers satisfaction, siblings giggles between the peaceful  environment, the high mountains and the morning breeze use to say me good morning every day, days passed on and these stuff made my life pretty. As usual I went off to the job saying bye to mum, who again repeated the worlds, “my dear son be back soon I will be waiting for you”, the mother will be waiting her long life but I won’t be going back to my mum, I know she would be looking at the door every day at home and my father will be waiting for me to hug me the moment I entered home, but I won’t be there any time, my naughty sibling will be waiting for the fun we used to had together when I was back from work, they will be waiting their whole lives,  I am missing them all. I am in the HEAVEN tell them not to cry, not to be dishearten because “I AM A MARTYR AND MARTYR IS ALWAYS ALIVE”.
May his soul rest in peace! Ameen.

Thursday 4 October 2012

Tobacco Crop: Undiscovered Potential for Pakistan’s Economy and Tobacco Growers

The tobacco crop of Pakistan has got potential to flourish far better. This has been proved by the sections in the paper. It can be deduces for the facts and figures provided that Pakistan can increase its foreign exchange reserves by implementation of open auction system through which the purchaser can bid for the raw material hence the growers can sell it on the price which can at least cover its cost and not on the forced price set by the PTB which is obviously pro-purchaser.  The government is not aware of the fact that the contribution Tobacco crop towards national exchequer is primarily the proportion paid by the consumer which is not very health for the economy; it promotes the rise in assets of industrialist on the stake of consumer. The manufacturing companies are not paying the growers adequately and at the same time shifting the excise duties and sales tax to the consumer in the shape of cost of production. Hence the revenue generated by the government by excise duties and sales tax is not paid by the manufacturing companies. If we take into account the consumption of the tobacco products we came to know that it is also exceeding the revenue generated by the production of the tobacco.  So the only way to increase the credibility of the crop is by paying the farmers properly it will enhance the indirect injections of foreign exchange in the country’s economy and will also help in raising the living standards of the people affiliated with the industry directly or indirectly.  Furthermore it is not advisable to increase the production of a prohibited crop so it’s better if the present area dedicated for the Tobacco production should be utilized to increase profit margins. The international demand for tobacco is also decreasing which can affect the international compatibility of the crop again reducing the scope of profit generation; only markets which can be targeted through it are the developing countries whose demand for tobacco is increasing significantly. The address the problems faced by the growers the fund can be utilized which is supposed to target the grievances of the grower community. Similarly if the illicit trade of the crop is prevented it will further help in boosting the industry which is facing severe losses due to illegal mobilization of the product.

Tuesday 2 October 2012

Gender based violence: Honour Killings

No one can love more than a mother, no one can care more than a sister, no one can serve more than a daughter and no one can sacrifice more than a wife and yet, these amiable relations are tortured, harassed and killed by the vile fellow-men. Women have long suffered the discriminatory behavior in the male dominated world and are still facing the vindictiveness and malice by the male members of the society.
Karo-kari or honor killing is more of a tradition which has gained a lot of legal and social protection in various countries. Even though Islam strongly oppose such act but these crimes are more prevalent in Muslim countries.
Despite of all the technological advancement and progress in the world these barbaric incidents continue to occur. The pressure groups have influenced governments of many countries to enact laws against it and this has also reduced the number of honour killing events. However in the countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh, India and Jordan these events still occur at a massive level. The only way to minimize the society by introducing more purposeful and peaceful tasks which can contribute better towards social and economic progress of the state.It is really essential to practice the following measures in order to remove this curse from our society:
1) By initiating awareness campaigns which highlight the rights and responsibilities of the human beings. Through giving people the insight of their role in the society a more groomed vision about humanity and opposite gender can be gained.
2) Increase in literacy level will reshape the thinking of people in a positive manner.
3) Enactment of more focused and equitable laws and effective implementation of the present laws is the key factor towards eliminating the crime from the society.
4) By making the jury independent; and abolition of jirga system which challenges the sovereignty of parliament.
If society recognizes this cruelty as a crime, only then can we get rid of this brutal tradition.
These recommendations only cover the apparent picture however; there are many cases which are merely disguised as honour killings. To combat this problem free, fair and just judicial system of the state is required without which the state cannot flourish and function efficiently.
Therefore, for better social, individual, economic, political, cultural, ethical and moral development, tolerance, awareness and acceptance of the opposite gender has to be promoted.

Monday 1 October 2012


This movie is about a man in which will Smith plays Chris Gardner, the kind of man who once was a whip - smart kid but has never realized his potential. Having sunk his savings into a line of medical scanners that aren't selling, Chris is beginning to fray at the seams. His wife, Linda, looking worn to the bone), can't handle the stress, especially when her husband impulsively decides he'd rather be a stockbroker instead.
But Chris Gardner's family is quickly dispersing. Linda his wife, leaves him early on, choosing to fend for herself rather than go down with Chris' sinking ship. She leaves him with their son Christopher. Chris would have to sell two bone density scanners each month to pay rent, daycare and groceries. He applies for an intern ship at Dean Witter only one in twenty interns is hired; and if you aren't hired, you can't apply for a job at any other stock brokerage firm for six months. But finally Chris gets the job at Dean Witter’s brokerage firm.
Along the way to success, Chris is thrown in jail .He lives with his son Christopher on streets, in public toilets, trains and buses at nights when his house owner throws him out of the house because Chris is not able to pay the due rent in time. Will Smith did a great job as the father trying to protect his son from their circumstances of becoming homeless as much as he can, while at the same time trying to work in the competitive world of stocks as an un-paid intern. Christopher son of Chris Gardner.
The movie is basically about the a man who puts in every single effort to protect his son, struggles his way to improve his standard of life , the movie clearly not tells its message that if you work hard you will succeed. No matter what, and does that message tell the truth about success. I think the movie is open to interpretation some will see it as a reflection of poverty, the scene of carefree rich people driving past the line to get into a homeless shelter is pretty devastating. Other people will become angry because they believe that the movie depiction of hard work leading to rewards. in some cases is too easy . 

National Integration: A challenge for Pakistan

Pakistan has been suffering from the crisis of national integration since its birth. The issue has been subjected by the intellectuals in the country and has remained the most fundamental problem. National disintegration jeopardized the potential and expectations of the people who dreamed an Islamic State, which was to be run according to the Islamic teachings.
The slogan of the founder of Pakistan; Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Unity, Faith and Discipline saw a great downfall after his death.Consensus on the basic issues couldn't be developed among the units and in general among the people of Pakistan neither it has been practices and advocated by the ruling class of the country. Pakistan being highly volatile in integrating the nation on a single platform, the problem gave birth to further more problems which otherwise might not had existed. Where national integration is the vehicle through which a nation prospers, Pakistan from the very beginning beyond any doubt has never adopted the policy of integrating the nation.The division among people was further exacerbated by the debate whether Pakistan is meant to be a secular or non-secular state.
Pakistan unlike other nations has absorbed many ethnic groups and people from different cultures and traditions. The aim of the creation of Pakistan was an independent Muslim state which could be run through the principles of Islam(Quran and Sunnah). It was meant to be a role model for Muslim-e-Ummah but unfortunately it couldn't adhere to the basic ideology upon which it was created and upon which the Muslims of the sub-continent were united and lead to the creation of Pakistan. Pakistan came into being under the slogan of “Pakistan ka MATLAB kia “LA ILLAH ILLLAH ALLAH”. Some people also argue that “Two Nation Theory” also plays a major role in the independence of Pakistan that Muslims and Hindus are two different nations by religion, cultures and civilization, therefore the Muslims of sub-continent should have a separate country of their own.
The aim after the creation of Pakistan was to Establishment the sovereignty of Allah Almighty, establish of the Islamic democracy, to revive the Muslin image and identity and to protect the Muslim culture and civilization. Despite of being created upon a very strong ideology of Islam the ruling elite failed to guide the state by the Islamic ideology which further exposed the nation to many unexpected social problems. Pakistan is not a homogeneous country rather it is a mixture of people belonging to different and often divergent ethnicities, further sub-divided into complex web of associations. At the time of independence it was thought that religion is powerful enough to unite all the people who have otherwise nothing in common but their religion. But it proved to be a far cry.

Student's Problems in Pakistan

As we see education is the backbone in the development of any nation, it is a fact that the countries with an effective system of education lead the world, both socially and economically. The key to development is good education system. Pakistan is one of those very few countries where the system of education has constantly deteriorated. The situation at present is so bad that our system of education is almost near collapse.

In our country, students face a lot of problems during their educational career. They are the most unguided students in the world. Neither the parent due to their ignorance nor the teachers due to lack of professionalism are able to guide them. Lack of guidance is very serious problem which students face.

The purpose of early education is to induce in to the students an interest of education but children are taught by untrained teachers in their early stage, so they lose interest in education. The high expectation of families and absence of guidance affects the ability of the students.

They are evaluated in institutions not on the basis of their abilities but on the basis of social status. This disheartens students who have weak financial and social backgrounds. Our examination system evaluates students not on the basis of their cognitive abilities but more on a rote memory test. All this is simply due to the fact that modern evaluation techniques are not applied. Due to non-serious attitude of the teachers and school management, students at a very early age get exposed to menaces like smoking and use of snuff.

I must say that first we should try to make our educational system better so that the education which a student gets gives some fruitful results. Government should make good policies for it and implement them in the institutions.

There should be training institutions, carrier counsels, workshops or programmed for the teachers and parents should also help their child in their education. In this way the communication gap between parents, teachers and students would be lessened and the problems of the students will come to an end.